Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Tell Us About You

So now that I have nothing to post and haven't posted in months...why don't we start posting stuff about you. Send me a brief little spill about where you've been, where you are, your family (if you have one), your career (if you have one), your spouse or significant other or partner or just plain old partner in crime...your school, your home, your hair, anything info you want on here and send a picture to I will take turns posting updates about each of us...and NO I am not starting with be brave and send me your stuff! It's fun to see what we are all up to!!! And this is a great way for a short update if you don't have a blog or your blog is private...

I admit it, I hae been slacking!!!

alright so I totally forgot I added the add me link at the bottom of this CHECKED IT!!! AND LOOK WHO FOUND US!!! GO SAY HI TO:
Tuesday Goodwin
Bryan Jones
Mason Fetzer
Sarah Poulson
Tiffanee Bowman
Erin Shaw
Stephanie Hadden
Tiana Freeman
Tracy Healy
Phil Janke
Chris Haleua
Haylie Burgon
Sarah Keddington
and Erin Havell
I promise to keep it up to date and keep checking it...
So if you are on the missing classmates list...don't be shy and tell me who you are and where we can find you. We are getting closer to ten years and it will be fun for EVERYONE to meet at our reunion!!! So if you know people don't know about us let them know!!!