Saturday, November 8, 2008

Emily Fuller

Emily Fuller
"8 years in one paragraph, eh? I suppose I'll hit the big bullet points. I'm a twice over college graduate (Go Utes!) who spent her time after college living in Greece doing nothing, but I eventually came home and am now working as a legal assistant at a law firm in downtown Salt Lake. I got married August 8, 2008 to Matthew Mangelson but kept my maiden name as I've grown found of it. I bought a historical house (106 years old) in Sugarhouse this fall and we've spent every free moment doing home restoration (I am an excellent painter and floor refinisher). We have two dogs, Dante the Boston Terrier and Einstein the Beagle. We call them "the kids" and have no plans for real kids as we're too busy taking vacations, drinking good wine and hitting the open road on scooter rides. I've changed so much since high school, when I think of myself then its like looking back on an entirely different person. And while I wouldn't do it again for all the money in the world, I am thankful for all the great memories and the life long friends I met."


Maddy said...

yay, Emily!!!! That's a pretty good summary! Maybe I should do one!

Jess said...

Cute. I didn't know you lived in Greece! How exotic!